Decision making to achieve your goals

Achieving your goals is something all of us love to do. There are several ways to set your goals. One of them is to set small goals and have them marked up as completed.
Another way is to set really big goals and watch yourself learn and grow in the process. Since this would mean that your goal has a lesser chance to be marked complete, you can always set mile-posts for your goals. Sort of like running a half-marathon or a marathon.
Even if the total distance is large and maybe intimidating at first, you can celebrate as you cross each mile and know that you are that much closer to the finish line.
Both methods work for setting goals. Pick the one you are most comfortable with to set your personal goals. If you are unsure as to where to start, try a few goals with each method. You will know fairly soon as to which method is right for you.
Alternately, you can use either method for different goals depending on the type of goals that you have.
If you're interested in learning more, please fill out the from below to schedule a complimentary Achieve your Goals session consultation.