About Psychic Vaishali
NO, I am not a fifth or a seventh generation psychic. It all started with skepticism...
Ever tested a psychic reading to see how results play out? This is the psychic challenge I took when I first got started as a reader. I played with readings to change my predictions and what happened next completely left me in awe....
Watch the video above to learn more about my exciting and unconventional start...
- You look at the phone: email, voicemail, text to see if you have any message
- You almost wish you could look into the future and go to bed hoping 'tomorrow' is the day
- You know you have done nothing wrong yet the 'what-if's' keep haunting you
- You have it all together to show the world, yet you are completely in turmoil
- As you lay in bed at night, you can hear your heart-beat & a thousand impossible scenarios flash through your mind
And you dont want to
- Think of the other options because you think this will work - why wouldn't it?
- Call your friends and ask for a solution - what would they know, they are not in the same boat as you!
- Go and google for more information - you already know what your intuition says...
- Find another psychic who will flatter your ego and tell you what you want to hear...
- What you really need is a psychic reading from Vaishali
- It's not just about hearing what you want to hear
- It's not just about knowing what you don't know
- It's not just about seeing what you can't see
To get a real psychic reading,
You ARE PREPARED to know the truth whether it is good, bad or ugly
You ARE PREPARED to hear what you may not want to hear
You ARE PREPARED to have a psychic who has done readings that played out before
You can use only one psychic reading from a genuine reader, but if you go to someone who doesn't know what they are doing
You'll call ten different psychics and still be looking for the next one
that's where i come...
I help you sort out the messy questions and situations that you have going on and breeze through your reading like a plane gliding effortlessly thr' the sky (without hardly any information from you)
It's really that simple....
But you ask, who the hell are you?
Hello, I'm Vaishali Nikhade. I was once like you, I was looking for answers in my life after being stuck in a difficult situation. Going to psychic after psychic and getting frustrated, I realized, they didn't know what they were doing. If I had to figure this out, I would have to do it myself.

We are all born intuitive - if we don't use our intuitive muscle, we lose it. So, I took the reins in my hand and decided to study the heck out of psychic readings. I wanted to find out once and for all, if there was any truth in all this. During this period, I started doing readings on myself and was fascinated by the results. My predictions actually came true. This was a refresher....
Wondering if this was just a fluke, I started to offer them to other people and my clients came back to me with oohs and aahs. They reported the results of the readings playing out in real life. Bummer!
While psychic readings can be real, why is there so much frustration about finding the right psychic? Take the quiz to find out if you know how to choose the right psychic.
Want to know how real the psychic readings are ?
Love notes from a client
Vaishali is an amazing psychic! She always right. She's like a dear friend now and I trust her opinion and guidance. I try to stick to questions about the present so I can adjust my own energy to attract positive outcomes. This is what she unknowingly helps me with, but she actually tends to be accurate about the near future even when I don't need to know. After one of my readings I learned that what she said was not accurate then I contacted her again about that and right before the call what she predicted actually happened! So she was right. She's definitely someone I'd always recommend!
Readings are provided by phone, chat or email. I am totally committed to being honest in my readings as well as providing as much information as I get and presenting it in a genuine, authentic manner.
You can get a reading from my psychic shop.
I offer readings for love relationships, career and finances, health psychic or medical intuitive readings as well as other questions related to your inquiries. No question is stupid and no two readings or readee's are similar. So, best option is to ask away without feeling dumb. You may just get that one piece of insight that you were looking for. A sample of some reading examples with client's feedback can be found in this article.
One reason why I have so many clients coming back to me is that I don't sugarcoat things as well as provide accurate readings and present information the way I see it. While this maybe difficult for some people to digest, it works out to be best for the long run.
Want a sample of my reading? You'll get to know how your week will play out!
If you are looking to hear a specific answer, I am probably not the right person to come to - I will say it as I see it and if you don't like it, you shouldn't call me. As they say, If you can't stand the fire, then don't step in the kitchen.
You can contact me via the Contact us form on this site and I will respond within 1-2 business days. Please check your email twice before you submit the form - if you type your email incorrectly, I will not be able to email you.