Leads that convertBy Vaishali Nikhade / January 26, 2021 Leads that convert $497.00 LTC: Module 1 Module 1.1 Defining the product Module 1.2 Determining the customer Module 1.3 The customer journey Module 1.4 The sales process Module 1: Handouts LTC: Module 2 Module 2.1: Overall framework Module 2.2: The framework in action Module 2.3: Knowing the assumptions Module 2: Handouts LTC: Module 3 Module 3.1: Application of the framework Module 3.2: Using Google for research Module 3: Handouts LTC: Module 4 Module 4.1: Determining the Lead magnet topic Module 4.2: Finalizing the lead magnet topic Module 4: Handouts LTC: Module 5 Module 5.1: Finessing the lead magnet Module 5.2: Celebration Module 5: Handouts LTC: Bonus # 1 Bonus # 1: Lead to profit calculator LTC: Bonus # 2 Five lead magnet templates LTC: Kickstart bonus Creating your first lead magnet in under 30 minutes